Hey there! I hope you enjoyed your Easter break if you have one in your country.
The end of the semester is approaching and all students are looking forward to their summer holidays, but now they are still occupied with their daily routine.
I thought that it might be interesting for you to know what this routine is, how a typical day of a student in Vienna looks like.
For this reason, I asked Anna to share her story with us.
#Students' life in Vienna
Vlada: Hi, good evening! You seem a bit tired. How are you doing?
Anna: Hey Vlada, yeah, the exam week is coming so it is a lot of work at the moment.
Vlada: Understandable. How long have you been studying in Vienna?
Anna: I moved to Vienna in September 2021, so almost 2 years. I have been living here in Thomas Morus Heim and studying at WU [Wirtschaftuniversitaet Wien].
Vlada: Cool! Could you please describe your typical weekday?
Anna: Sure! Although it depends on the format of the lecture. If it is online then I stay in my room. A day with lectures in person is more fun so I will describe it if you don’t mind. (smiling)
Vlada: Sure thing, go ahead! :)
Anna: Usually I wake up at 7:30, get ready and go to uni. You know, girls need more time. (laughing) Luckily, our dorm has a very good location: we have trams, S-Bahn, U-Bahn, busses. I take any S-Bahn to Praterstern and then u-Bahn to Messe Prater. It takes me only 25 minutes to reach uni. There I grab something at Spar and rush to lectures.
Then I usually go home. I mean the dorm. By now it became a home for me because I found friends there thanks to KHG dinner which are organized every Thursday evening [Katolische Hochschule Gemeinde]. Indeed, it is a great opportunity to socialize and make friends.
For example, I met my friends in October 2021 right after I moved to Vienna. They helped me to overcome the homesickness and with many other things. We eat together, organize social events in the dorm, take care of the kitchen, watch movies, etc.

So back to the topic. After uni, I have lunch at home and then study in the study room. Quite often some other people join me and then it boosts the discipline and motivation in the room. Later we might do sports together in the gym or play badminton in the yard outside. Now the weather is becoming better.
In the evening, usually I cook and eat with my friends in the kitchen. We tell each other how our day was, joke and have fun.
The rest of the evening I spend reading a book or calling with my parents.

Vlada: Ooh, so cute! I am very happy to hear that you found these friends here. Your day sounds like well-structured and with a good work-life balance.
Anna: Haha. Don’t forget that it is an ideal day. Exams period is a bit different.
Vlada: Of course. I have the last question for you: what do you think what is better for new students – WG (room in an apartment) or a room in a dorm?
Anna: Good question. I see advantages or, let’s say, reasons for choosing each of these options. In my opinion, living in a dorm where you rent a room with a bathroom, microwave and fridge and share a kitchen is definitely better for new and/or international students, because elder colleagues can help you to deal with administrative questions, introduce to the city and other people and give valuable advice regarding studies.
Vlada: Actually, good point. I agree with you. That’s it from my side. Thank you very much for your time! It is a scarce source for you right now. All best with your exams! Great your friends. Good night!
Anna: Thank you for the invitation. It is a pleasure to talk to you and share some insights with other/soon-to-be students. Good night!

In case you have any specific questions or you are interested in any other topic regarding students’ life in Thomas Morus Heim, follow our Instagram page and state your questions in comments to the last Reel. There you can experience a day in Vienna together with Anna.
In the meantime, we wish you good luck with your exams!
Sincerely yours,
Vlada (Thomas Morus Heim)